From Lockdown to Boomtown

From Lockdown to Boomtown

More locals, more visitors. Boomtown is ready to reach more consumers than ever before. Make sure your business bounces back with Boomtown.

More VISITORS in Boomtown.

75% of all Australians are planning to travel to regional Australia in the near future, enjoying all our country has to offer.1

What are their favourite activities?


Dining Out2


Spending Money At Local Business2


Spending Time In Nature2



Let's have a look at how regional residents feel about travel:

2 in 3 are keen to travel within their state, 5% points higher than Metro Australians1

When it comes to future holiday within states, 87% prefer to travel by car, 1.2x more likely than Metro Australians to hold this preference1

1 in 2 are keen to travel to other states, sentiment shared with Metro Australians1

When it comes to future holiday in other states, 85% are comfortable to travel by car, 6% points higher than Metro Australians1


Source: oOh!media Pulse Report | Timing: Waves 1&2 May 2020, Wave 3 June 2020 | Research Panel: Dynata | Regional Australians 16+ n= 1,111


Source: SCA IQ COVID-19 Study | Launched 10am 23 May 2020 & results as of 11:30pm 30 May 2020 | SCA Community | National | Q: What types of activities are you planning to do on your domestic holiday in the next 12 months? | People 18+ | Intend to holiday domestically N12M | Travelling to a regional market n=602

More LOCALS in Boomtown.

Once all social distancing restrictions have been lifted and life returns to a ‘new normal’ Boomtown will become the new relocation hotspot. The driving factors?

Job loss, a desire to reconnect with family, uptake in the ability to work from home and growing motives to move away from densely populated areas is driving some to consider relocating to regional Australia.

Of those intending to relocate to regional Australia:

1 in 10 Metro Australians intend to move to a regional area1

25% of all Australians currently working from home intend to move to a regional area in the future1

6 in 10 are aged under 401

56% are white collar workers1

54% are singles and couples without children in their household1


Source: oOh!media Pulse Report | Timing: Waves 1&2 May 2020, Wave 3 June 2020 | Research Panel: Dynata | Regional Australians 16+ n= 1,111

This report has been built on research & insights provided by:

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